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Numerals, Alphabet Letters...

Clarifying the use of Numerals, Alphabet Letters, Isolated Words, Degrees and Abbreviations.

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Cite - Site - Sight

Clarifying the use of Cite, Site and Sight.

Coarse - Course

Clarifying the use of coarse and course.

Effect - Affect

Clarifying the use of Effect and Affect.

It's - Its

Clarifying the use of it's and its.

Lose - Loose - Loss

Clarifying the use of lose, loose and loss.

May be - Maybe

Clarifying the use of may be and maybe.

Past - Passed

Clarifying the use of past and passed.

Principal - Principle

Clarifying the use of Principal - Principle.

Their - There - They're

Clarifying the use of Their - There - They're.

Then - Than

Clarifying the use of Then and Than.

To -Too - Two

Clarifying the use of to, too and two.

You're - Your

Clarifying the use of you're and your.

Using They're, There and Their Correctly

Clarifying the use of They're, There and Their.

Identifying Incorrect Sentences

Identifying incorrect sentence structure.

Raise - Rise

Clarifying the use of raise and rise.

Already - All Ready

Clarifying the use of alreay and all ready.